Art Cards for Baby - Woodland Collection Art Cards Leo Paper
Art Cards for Baby - Woodland Collection Art Cards Leo Paper
Art Cards for Baby - Woodland Collection Art Cards Leo Paper
Art Cards for Baby - Woodland Collection Art Cards Leo Paper
Art Cards for Baby - Woodland Collection Art Cards Leo Paper
Art Cards for Baby - Woodland Collection Art Cards Leo Paper
Art Cards for Baby - Woodland Collection Art Cards Leo Paper
Art Cards for Baby - Woodland Collection Art Cards Leo Paper
Art Cards for Baby - Woodland Collection Art Cards Leo Paper
Art Cards for Baby - Woodland Collection Art Cards Leo Paper
Art Cards for Baby - Woodland Collection Art Cards Leo Paper
Art Cards for Baby - Woodland Collection Art Cards Leo Paper
Art Cards for Baby - Woodland Collection Art Cards Leo Paper
Art Cards for Baby - Woodland Collection Art Cards Leo Paper

Kunstkarten für Babys – Woodland Collection

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Babys sind von Schwarz-Weiß-Designs fasziniert. Diese Kunstkarten fördern von Anfang an die visuelle Wahrnehmung eines Babys. Zu den sechs entzückenden Tieren in diesem Set gehören ein Fuchs, ein Igel, ein Waschbär, ein Hirsch, eine Eule und ein Bär. Jede Karte misst 5 x 7 Zoll und wird mit umweltfreundlicher Tinte auf stabilem Karton mit abgerundeten Ecken gedruckt. Sie sind der perfekte Einstieg, um die Liebe zu Kunst und Design zu erlernen.

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Visuelle Entwicklungskarten für Babys – Symbol

klicken Sie hier um mehr über die Vorteile von Wee Gallery Art Cards für die Entwicklung Ihres Babys zu erfahren.

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Concerned Citizen
Newborn loves these

She used to cry during diaper I have these taped on the wall by her head and she stopped crying immediately

Love love love

Got these for my newborn for tummy time. Such great quality and feel. Looking to getting more to have a complete collection.

Bill A
Worth it!

At first I thought it was a bit pricey, but it became totally worth it seeing my baby with them. These cards hold her attention for a long period of time. Baby is now almost four months, but I used them for tracking early on (2-3 months). I guess its true that babies are only in black and white at first. She really only liked and focused on her black and white toys and cards. These cards seem safe too. Highly recommend these!

Caroline S. Hayes
A great way to engage a newborn mind

Ive bought two sets of these over the years and they were so fun to grab the attention of my newborns. The contrast color really helps them see the cards and its a great little activity for time between naps.

Changing Table Fun!

These cards are amazing. I hung mine above his changing table. You can use some ribbon laying around and some command hooks like I did with clothespins. Now he went from crying to absolutely loving diaper changes. Plus he have social hour learning animal noises. Placing them in the crib I felt was too distracting for him because he wouldn't want to sleep. He kept looking at the cards and studying them while giggling. Chsnging table creativeness is the way to go!