Kunstkarten für Babys – Tierbabys-Sammlung
Babys sind von Schwarz-Weiß-Designs fasziniert. Diese Kunstkarten fördern von Anfang an die visuelle Wahrnehmung eines Babys. Zu den sechs entzückenden Tieren in diesem Set gehören Alpaka, Entlein, Rehkitz, Pinguin, Tapir und Lamm. Diese auf stabilem Karton gedruckten Karten halten den Erkundungen Ihres Babys stand. Jede 5 x 7 Zoll große Karte ist wunderschön mit einer matten Laminierung und kinderfreundlichen abgerundeten Ecken versehen.
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Klicken Sie hier , um mehr über die Vorteile von Wee Gallery Art Cards für die Entwicklung Ihres Babys zu erfahren.
Babys sind von Schwarz-Weiß-Designs fasziniert. Diese Kunstkarten fördern von Anfang an die visuelle Wahrnehmung eines Babys. Zu den sechs entzückenden Tieren in diesem Set gehören Alpaka, Entlein, Rehkitz, Pinguin, Tapir und Lamm. Diese auf stabilem Karton gedruckten Karten halten den Erkundungen Ihres Babys stand. Jede 5 x 7 Zoll große Karte ist wunderschön mit einer matten Laminierung und kinderfreundlichen abgerundeten Ecken versehen.
Geschenknachricht im Warenkorb verfügbar.
These art cards are high quality - thick and sturdy to last you for years! I am a pediatric Occupational Therapist and I use these beautiful black and white cards to promote visual eye tracking and head/neck/core strength during tummy time! These are portable and lightweight so they're great for infants to look at during car or airplane rides! You could even frame or hang these beautiful pieces of art in a nursery by a changing table or play mat!
I got these for my newborn to start eye coordination and he loved them, but then now at 8 months he loves playing with the lid of the box more than anything. Very beautiful, definitely a cute gift and very gender neutral. Also hold up to a 8 month old throwing and rolling all over the box. And chewing on them, even though that's not their intended use, as the box says haha!
Couple of cards in, wish there was more for the price! But other than that, cards are really cute and very good size! Baby pays really nice attention!
I got these as a Christmas gift for the baby I nanny. They have been great. Seem to be holding up well to chewing, although we've only had them about a month. I have been able to dole them out slowly and just gave her a "new" one today. She just turned 8 mos and has spent the last ten minutes carefully turning it from front to back, picking it up, putting it down, etc. She is calm and happy despite the fact we are currently waiting for a bottle to heat up. I'm planning on keeping a few in the toy drawer of her changing table to keep her from wriggling so much during diaper changes. These are practical and also make a unique gift-- highly recommend!