Art Cards for Baby - Original Collection Art Cards Leo Paper
Art Cards for Baby - Original Collection Art Cards Leo Paper
Art Cards for Baby - Original Collection Art Cards Leo Paper
Art Cards for Baby - Original Collection Art Cards Leo Paper
Art Cards for Baby - Original Collection Art Cards Leo Paper

Kunstkarten für Babys – Originalkollektion

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Babys sind von Schwarz-Weiß-Designs fasziniert. Diese Kunstkarten fördern von Anfang an die visuelle Wahrnehmung eines Babys. Zu den sechs entzückenden Tieren in diesem Set gehören ein Elefant, ein Fisch, eine Giraffe, eine Schnecke, eine Eule und eine Katze. Diese auf stabilem Karton gedruckten Karten halten den Erkundungen Ihres Babys stand. Jede 5 x 7 Zoll große Karte ist wunderschön mit einer matten Laminierung und kinderfreundlichen abgerundeten Ecken versehen.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Renah S

Baby loves them

Amazon Customer
Baby loves them, I love them

We love these art card series, I have been showing them to my baby from the very beginning and he loves looking at them, and they are well-made and sturdy, I just bought some for my friend with her newborn


Seriously, straight out of the womb babies love these. Sometimes it takes a while for them to show interest, but I promise, at 1-2 months old when they can't do much, they'll spend minutes staring at these. Doesn't sound like long, but that's forever to a newborn! They're great for brain development. It's baby's first toy!

Brian Banks
For the new baby!

Great gift item!

Albert Dannes
Art Cards review

I give these art cards whenever a new baby arrives. Every Mom or Dad has mentioned how their new one is fascinated with these cards. Line them up where baby can see them and proceed to wonder what your little one is thinking!