We had a lot of fun coming up with this advent/activity calendar – and we hope you’ll enjoy making it! This ‘Jingle Bells’ countdown calendar can be used for a 12-days of Christmas or another holiday of your choice. Read further for ideas on family friendly activities.
-visit a family member
-watch a Christmas movie
-go ice skating
-bake cookies for neighbors
-neighborhood walk to see Christmas lights
-make an ornament
-make a paper chain garland
-do holiday mad libs
-play Christmas song charades
-fill a pet’s stocking
-paint pinecones
-decorate the tree or put up lights
-make a card or gift for teacher
-read “The Night Before
-take kids shopping for their grandparents
-make your own wrapping paper
-make paper snowflakes
-write a letter to Santa
-make a silly Christmas video
STEP 1: Download and print the file (black and white or color printer will work) and cut out the paper circles.
STEP 2: Write your activities on the blank side of the paper and fold in half, keeping the printed design on the outside.

STEP 3: Make a tassel by winding the twine around your first three fingers 10 times, or as thick as you would like it.
STEP 4: Keeping the tassel end in place, measure and cut the strand at 24″.

STEP 5: Finish the tassel by tying the top tightly, and cutting the bottom to make a fringe. Make 3 strands with tassels.
STEP 6: Tie your first bell (or knot, or bead) 1.5″ away from the tassel. The following 3 knots should be 3″ apart.

STEP 7: Attach the paper over the first knot by bringing the corners of the semi-circle together.
STEP 8: Secure with a small piece of tape. Add 4 paper ‘bells’ to each strand. Attache to a branch, hand on an existing rod, or simply tape the strands to the wall.
STEP 9: After you have read the day’s activity, the paper bell can be reattached in the same way, but with the gray side out to indicate it has been completed.
*As always, keep small objects, sharp objects and long strings away from the reach of young children.