So sweet and whimsical—you’ll keep displaying it even after your children are grown. The pockets are large enough to put small trinkets in (think LEGO mini fig package size) and there are a few taller ones to help hold larger things. The material is a sturdy canvas that doesn’t fold in on itself and it comes with a pouch to roll it into for storage so you don’t have to worry about it getting dirty or wrinkled once you put it away. I considered it for a while before purchasing because of the cost, but the quality is amazing—it is totally worth it.Wee Gallery, in general, has the cutest illustrations. If you have a tiny in you lives, go check out their other items. We have the wall stickers (still sticking on the wall after being moved several times over five years) and a few of the baby toys—they are beautifully done and will make you happy every time you look at them.